Shroom TECH Sport by Onnit

Shroom Tech Sport Review

Today I will be reviewing a slightly different product. Although it is not technically a “nootropic” by standard definition, it is something worth at least trying. ShroomTech Sport was formulated to help in the energy department. It is made by Onnit Labs, the same company that makes Alpha Brain(read that review here) . Before I go …

Review Overview



Summary : This stuff worked wonders for me. Good bye energy drinks, Hello Shroom Tech!

User Rating: Be the first one !

Today I will be reviewing a slightly different product. Although it is not technically a “nootropic” by standard definition, it is something worth at least trying. ShroomTech Sport was formulated to help in the energy department. It is made by Onnit Labs, the same company that makes Alpha Brain(read that review here) .

Before I go into all the details of what’s in it and my experience with it. I would like to share with you my reasons for trying and taking Shroom Tech. For starters, my job requires me to work long hours. I work a minimum of 10 hrs a day(usually 11 hrs). On top of that it is also night shift as well as a swing shift. It’s really crazy. I usually only average 4 to 5 hours a sleep a day. For the longest time I’ve been drinking energy drinks(usually the green Monster), and its getting to the point where I feel they are no longer effective. I can literally drink one and ten minutes later be sleeping on the couch. Aside from that the last couple of times I drank them before work they gave me like a really anxious type feeling almost like a panic attack.

Shroom Tech Sport

I’ve tried things like caffeine pills(NoDoz and JetAlert), and all they did was give me bad headaches. I think my body is sensitive to caffeine. Anything over 100mg of caffeine gives me headaches. This is probably why I’m not a coffee drinking.

To order some click here

Moving on…

What’s in Shroom Tech Sport?

The ingredients are as follows:

  • Ashwagandha
  • Methylcobalamin (Vitamin B12)
  • Chromium
  • Cordyceps Mushrooms (main ingredient)
  • Green Tea Extract
  • Rhodiola Rosea
  • Astragalus

Shroom Tech Sport 2 w

I won’t cover all the ingredients and what their purposes is, but I would like to talk a little bit about the Cordyceps Mushrooms since they are the main ingredient. These mushrooms are found high up in the Chinese mountains and have been used by for years by the Chinese. It has even been used by Chinese Olympic team. Onnit Labs has actually put together a good video telling you all about it. Give it a watch.

Now that you know more about what it is, and it purpose. Let’s move to the results.

My Results

The bottle tells you to take the greater of 3 capsules or 1 capsules per 50 lbs of  body weight. Now for me I weigh around 200 lbs. so I was taking 4 capsules at a time. It also suggest to take it on an empty stomach.

I don’t want to sound like a shill for Onnit, and their products but this stuff exactly works (for me). It gives a nice steady energy. It doesn’t make me overly hyper or anxious that people sometimes get when drinking energy drinks and stuff like that. There is also no crash when taking it(it contains no stimulants). I feel so much better after taking it. It’s hard to explain but it seems to put me in a better mood as well. Maybe because I don’t feel so tired.

It’s also something that you don’t have to continually take it ever day to be effective.

Overall this product is awesome and gets the NootropicsGuy’s seal of approve. If you’re feeling sluggish and coffee or energy drinks aren’t doing it. Give it a try. You can buy Shroom Tech Sport Here.

I’d like to take some time to show you how cost effective this can be compared to say, energy drinks.

A 90 capsules bottle of Shroom Tech Sport will cost you about $60. This means that each capsules will cost you roughly 66 cents.

If you take 3 capsules that is $1.98 a serving. 4 capsules = $2.64. An energy drink typically runs from $2.00-$3.00 a can. Now I do like the taste of most energy drinks, but as far as performance and energy goes they really don’t do a whole lot besides make me crash shortly after. So, I’m making the switch. Go ahead and try it for yourself. You can thank me later.


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