Phenibut Review

*I would like to start off by saying that this product was provided free of charge by Health Supplement Wholesalers. They carry a wide variety of different supplements.* Phenibut was on my list of products to try for awhile now. Mainly because I have a lot of anxiety and stress, and this product is suppose …

Review Overview


Summary : Phenibut is a unique nootropic, which is mainly used for its calming and anti-anxiety properties. It is not typically used for cognitive enhancement.

User Rating: 1.84 ( 36 votes)

*I would like to start off by saying that this product was provided free of charge by Health Supplement Wholesalers. They carry a wide variety of different supplements.*

Phenibut was on my list of products to try for awhile now. Mainly because I have a lot of anxiety and stress, and this product is suppose to help with this. I’ve even been to the doctor in the past for it.

I was given a 100 gram tub of this stuff. It also came with a measuring spoon (although the spoon didn’t specify it size or approximate milligrams per scoop.) I broke out my scale and one scoop was about the equivalent of 200-250 mg.



A 100 gram tub will cost you about $23($22.88 to be exact) – from HSW.

The Taste

Phenibut is water soluble so it mixes really well with any liquid. I got not clumping at all. It completely dissolves and taste wasn’t much of an issue. But you’ll know it’s in their especially if you mix it with just water. If you are worried about taste HSW also sells flavoring pack (Stevia and Citric Acid) to help with taste.

My Dosage

When it comes to this stuff you don’t necessary need to take it everyday like some other nootropics. When I first started taking it I took it for the a week straight, before I started using it in increments of a couple days. I started with one scoop (about 200-250mg).

Dosing varies for each indivuial and depending on the effects you are trying to achieve. For more information I suggest checking out my Knowledge Base article – Phenibut 101.

Anyway, during the next couple of weeks I worked my way up to a 1,000 mg dose. Now for me this was too much and caused some negative side effects(headache and nausea), so I dropped my dosage back down. A typical dose for me was around 400-500 mg a day.


Pheibut Powder and Spoon



  • Memory – I didn’t realize an increase in memory *Note* that this is not its intended use
  • Focus – Because it gives you a more calming feeling it does allow to focus a little bit, because you mind isn’t racing with a bunch of different thoughts.
  • Mood – My mood was improved. I attribute this to the fact the it helps alleviate some of the stress.
  • Energy – This gives you more of a relaxed feeling, so it is no surprise that it didn’t really give a whole lot in the energy departmart.
  • Sleep/Dreams – Since it helps you relax it’s good to help you get to sleep if taking properly. Usually a couple hours before going to bed. I did not experience a whole lot in the dreaming department.


Rating this product was a bit tricky as the rating criteria is geared more toward your typical nootropic. Overall, I feel that Phenibut could greatly help the right individual. Especially if you have slight to slightly moderate stress/anxiety. I mean it helped me out somewhat and my stress and anxiety is through the roof. It help me to stay a bit more comfortable and calmer in some situations that would sometimes make me feel uneasy. I also found that it can be used to help you get to sleep. Didn’t really do much in the dreaming department or helping me stay asleep.

I feel it’s  something worth at least trying if you are a stress individual and are looking to relax a bit.

If you do decide to try it out, I encourage you to come back and let me know your experience with it.

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