Alpha BRAIN by Onnit

Alpha Brain Review Part 2

Well it has been about 30 days since I started to taking Alpha Brain. If you haven’t done so yet, I suggest starting and reading part 1 of this review first. My dosage was 2 capsules for the first 15 days, then I upped it to 4 capsules for the next 15 days. I will …

Review Overview


Summary : Overall I did notice a difference, Biggest differences was my sleep and focus.

User Rating: 1.91 ( 156 votes)

Well it has been about 30 days since I started to taking Alpha Brain. If you haven’t done so yet, I suggest starting and reading part 1 of this review first.

My dosage was 2 capsules for the first 15 days, then I upped it to 4 capsules for the next 15 days.

I will come right out and say for the first couple of days I really didn’t notice any effects (as my body/brain was getting adjusted to supplements). But after a couple of days something just seemed to clicked.

Onnit is now offering a free 7-day trial on Alpha Brain, but you have to go through this link.

 The Results

  • Memory – I would say that my memory improved moderately. Before, this test I was having some problems with short term memory. I can honestly say this is no longer the case.
  • Focus – My concentration and focus as improved greatly. I always took two capsules before going to work, and I must say I found myself running circles around my co-workers. I tend to get easily distracted and this helped me stay focused to the tasks at hand. Letting me finish one task and then moving to the next. Not having several unfinished tasked going at the same time.
  • Mood – I’m going to have to say that my overall mood has increased slightly as well. I seemed a tad bit less agitated for sure. Much more calm, and collected.
  • Energy – I did notice a slight increase in my energy levels. About 30-60 minutes after taking it I could notice a little bit more energy. It wasn’t a big increase, but it definitely put a little pep in my step . Afterwards there was no “crashing” feeling either.
  • Sleep/Dreams – I would have to say that during my time on Alpha Brain that my sleep has improved the most. While on it, I felt that I was able to get to sleep quicker, and once asleep I entered R.E.M. sleep quicker as well.  Although , I didn’t have any actual lucid dreams(I may create a post going more in depth about lucid dreaming. What it is, and tips on how to lucid dream), I can honestly say that I didn’t go one night without dreaming. Each night I had  really vivid and awesome dreams. My ability to remember my dreams afterwards was improved as well.

One of the coolest things that happened to me while using Alpha Brain, was one particular dream. I got to reunite with my grandfather. My grandfather passed away almost 15 years ago. My “pap” was an avid hunter and took me hunting with him was I was little. One night my pap visited me in my dreams and took me on a hunting trip. Words cannot describe how life like this dream was, and it was awesome to see him again. I will never forget it.


In my experience Alpha Brain did help with certain areas of my brain that I was trying to improve. Although, I must point out that my testing did incorporate a bit of a stronger dosage(used 90 capsules in 30 days).  If you are looking to test the waters with nootropics, Onnit’s Alpha Brain should be a good started point. I would also like to point out that if you buy just 30 capsules from them, they offer a no-hassle money back guarantee.  If you feel that the product doesn’t work just let them know and they will refund your money, no questions asked. You don’t have to send back anything either.

If you’d like to buy and try some Alpha Brain for yourself, you can do so by visiting this website.

During my time on this product I’ve managed to get more stuff done around the house(my wife could notice a difference for sure), I’ve started gaming online again as well. I’ve noticed better concentration and scoring in my fps games.

If you skeptical, just give it a try. If it doesn’t work you can get your money back. Just remember that it may take a couple of days to notice a difference. Also keep in mind that your experience and  results may different depending your health, dosage, weight, etc…

Brain Age Results

If you read/remember my Part 1 post, you’ll know that I did a small baseline test with a website that tested your brain age. I wish I could find a platform that showed daily progress and graphs to show increases better. Nevertheless, my results with this particular test were great.






My Next Review

I haven’t decided on the next nootropic that I’m going to review yet. It will probably either be a racetam or noopept. I’m going to must likely take a week off, and let my body return to it natural state before I start the next 30 day test.

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