Noopept Review

I started taking noopept a couple weeks back and I feel that now that I can make an accurate assumption how this product worked for ME. Please, keep in mind that this review is MY experience and yours’ may be different. The funny thing about nootropics is that certain ones seems to effect people differently. …

Review Overview


Summary : A little bit goes a long. Great for focus and memory. Would be a great addition to any nootropic stack or by itself.

User Rating: 4.91 ( 615 votes)

I started taking noopept a couple weeks back and I feel that now that I can make an accurate assumption how this product worked for ME. Please, keep in mind that this review is MY experience and yours’ may be different. The funny thing about nootropics is that certain ones seems to effect people differently. If you are not familiar with noopept I would suggest starting with my Knowledge Base article here. With all that being said let’s continue.

I got this Noopept from the company – Peak Nootropics. For a 10 gram bag it only costed $19.99. The good thing about this nootropic is that you only need a very small dose, so a 10 gram bag will last a rather long time.

Noopept - Peak Nootropics

The Taste

First off, Noopept is what they call, semi-water soluble. Which means that it kind of mixes with liquid but there is a bit of clumping. Now, when taking it with water it doesn’t taste all the great. I found mixing it with juice or anything other than water made the taste almost nonexistent. The good news is that with noopept is that you only have to take a really small amount so it not that bad either way.

My Dosage

The first two days I only took 10 mg in the morning. After that I bumped it up to 10 mg in the morning and another 10 mg in the evening. After the first week I then upped it up to 20 mg in the morning followed by 20 mg in the evening.

Measuring out your dosages could be tricky. I do have a scale, but unfortunately my scale wasn’t sensitive enough to measure out just 10 mg(a really small amount). Now fortunately the folks at Peak Nootropics  provide a handy little 10 mg scoop. Which makes for measuring super easy.

10 mg Scoop

10 mg Scoop

I would also would like to point out that for the first two weeks I took it without a choline source(Alpha GPC), after two weeks I started to stack it with a choline source just to see if I could notice any difference. For me personally, I couldn’t notice much of a difference when stacking it. This could be that a choline source isn’t really necessary or simply because my diet was already getting a nice amount of choline from the food I was eating.

Now I will say this though, the first couple of times I took noopept I felt like a burst of energy, almost like a jittery feeling. I’m going to go ahead and chalk this up to a placebo effect. After the first couple of days this was no longer the case.


  • Memory – I did notice an increase in my ability to “recall” past things/events. For example, You know how some times to have to think a little bit about what you may have ate the day before. Well, while taking Noopept I was about to recall and remember stuff like this with no problem at all.
  • Focus – I would have to say that during my time taking Noopept, that my focus and concentration improved the most. I was clear headed, and was able to focus on what I was doing without getting distracted. This allowed me to get stuff done, in a timely and efficient manner.
  • Mood – I didn’t really notice to much in my mood.
  • Energy – I can’t really say that I notice much of an increase of energy. But I will say this, after a week or so I notice that I seemed a lot more calmer.
  • Sleep/Dreams – When I started taking an extra 20 mg in the evenings I would say my sleep improved some, but the dreams weren’t all that vivid like they were when I was on Alpha Brain.


Personally, I found it to be an effective Nootropic. It allowed me to stay extremely focused, and improved my memory. If I didn’t have a bunch of other products to try, I would strongly consider stacking it with Alpha Brain. If you are looking to buy some I would suggest checking out these guys (Peak Nootropics). They are US based, and all of their products are GMP certified. Want another perspective on Noopept? Take a look at this review –

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