Alpha Brain Review Part 1

I’ve decided to do this review in two parts(maybe three – Update – Read part 2 here). It will be like a “Before & After”, Part 1 being the before. Introduction to Alpha Brain If you aren’t familiar with alpha brain, there is a good chance you may be new to nootropics. Don’t worry you’ve come to the right place. ... Read More »

Huperzine A

Huperzine A

We get Huperzine A from Chinese club moss. Though Huperzine A is derived from a plant it actually has some chemicals in it which is in result of the purifying and refining process. It has been used for hundreds of years in Traditional Chinese medicine practices for various aliments and illnesses. Further studies and research have shown that Huperzine A ... Read More »



L-Tyrosine is a very important amino acid and has many benefits. It has many uses and it’s easy to see why it is included in most if not all blends of nootropics, like Alpha Brain. Where is it Found Naturally? It’s actually made from another amino acid(phenylalanine) inside your body. It is also found in eggs, fish, oat, wheat, nuts, ... Read More »

Alpha GPC

It is very common to find Alpha GPC listed as an ingredient in Nootropic blends, but why is it so popular? Let’s dig a little deeper, and find out exactly what it is. Effects, Benefits, and Uses Alpha GPC is found naturally in the brain, and also it can be found in milk. It is a choline  compound that is ... Read More »


L-Theanine is an amino acid that is commonly found in most all-natural nootropic blends. But what is it, and what is it function and main purpose? Where is it Naturally Found? L-Theanine is found naturally in green tea and as well in a certain type of mushroom.  Effects and Benefits The use of L-Theanine has been shown to improve memory, ... Read More »

Introduction to Nootropics

Introduction to Nootropics

A lot of people either get confused or overwhelmed when it comes to nootropics. Most of the articles that you’ll read about nootropics will be filled with scientific jargon. I’ve put together this piece to be readable and more in layman terms for the average person. So, What is a Nootropic? Simply put, according to, they are drugs which improve ... Read More »